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BDML ID855b74a5-516a-4f18-bed9-755da9b7899c (schema: 3.000, status: available)
TitleBDML file for quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics of C16C10.6(RNAi) embryo
LicenseCC BY-SA license
Descriptionquantitative information about nuclear division dynamics in C16C10.6(RNAi) embryo (ccdc-55(RNAi) embryo)
OrganismC. elegans
Datatypenuclear division dynamics
Local IDC16C10.6(gPCR)040622_01
Basedon Experiment
Contributors Koji Kyoda, Mari Furukawa, Ryoko Arai, Shuichi Onami
PubMed ID23172286
Contact InformationShuichi Onami, RIKEN, Quantitative Biology Center, Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics
Summary of methodsSee details in Kyoda et al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res 41, D732-D737.
Sourcehttp://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/data/2-Kyoda-WormEmbryoRNAi/source/RNAi_C16C10.6_040622_01.zip (md5)
BDML filehttp://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/data/2-Kyoda-WormEmbryoRNAi/bdml/RNAi_C16C10.6_040622_01_bdml3.0.zip (md5)
PDPML filehttp://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/data/pdpml/2-Kyoda-WormEmbryoRNAi_pdpml1.0.xml (md5)

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