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BDML IDf68f5a0f-59e6-43ab-bba8-a6a866ad4e5b (schema: 3.000, status: available)
TitleBDML file for quantitative information about behavior of goa-1(sy192) worm in the presence of increasing cocentrations of aldicarb
LicenseCC BY-NC-SA license
Descriptionquantitative information about behavior of goa-1(sy192) worm in the presence of increasing concentrations of aldicarb
OrganismC. elegans
Local IDworm4_ald
Basedon Experiment
Contributors Christopher Cronin, Jane Mendel, Saleem Mukhtar, Young-Mee Kim, Robert Stirbl, Jehoshua Bruck, Paul Sternberg
PubMed ID15698479
Contact InformationPaul Sternberg, California Institute of Technology, HHMI and Division of Biology
Summary of methodsSee details in Cronin et al. (2005) BMC Genetics 6, 5.
BDML filehttp://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/data/7-Cronin-WormLocomotion/bdml/worm4_ald_bdml3.0.zip (md5)

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