BDML ID | c3821b4d-747e-4568-b23a-0bb432052f67 (schema: 3.000, status: inactive) |
Title | BDML file for quantitative information about behavior of goa-1(sy192) worm in the presence of increasing cocentrations of NaAsO2 |
License | CC BY-NC-SA license |
Description | quantitative information about behavior of goa-1(sy192) worm in the presence of increasing concentrations of NaAsO2 |
Organism | C. elegans |
Datatype | behavior |
Local ID | worm2_NaAsO2 |
Basedon | Experiment |
Contributors | Christopher Cronin, Jane Mendel, Saleem Mukhtar, Young-Mee Kim, Robert Stirbl, Jehoshua Bruck, Paul Sternberg |
PubMed ID | 15698479 | Contact Information | Paul Sternberg, California Institute of Technology, HHMI and Division of Biology |
Summary of methods | See details in Cronin et al. (2005) BMC Genetics 6, 5. |
Summary of BDML data
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