BDML ID | 9fcd2b90-8e52-4625-80fb-93afad83e7ba (schema: 3.000, status: inactive) |
Title | BDML file for quantitative information about a D. discoideum cell expressing PTEN-TMR and PH_Akt/PKB-EGFP |
License | CC BY license |
Description | quantitative information about a D. discoideum cell expressing PTEN-TMR and PH_Akt/PKB-EGFP |
Organism | D. discoideum |
Datatype | cell dynamics |
Local ID | Fig1C |
Basedon | Experiment |
Contributors | Tatsuo Shibata, Masatoshi Nishikawa, Satomi Matsuoka, Masahiro Ueda |
PubMed ID | 22899720 | Contact Information | Tatsuo Shibata, RIKEN, Quantitative Biology Center, Laboratory for Physical Biology |
Summary of methods | See details in Shibata et al. (2012) J. Cell. Sci., 125: 5138-5150 |
Summary of BDML data
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