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BDML ID566db26a-3de9-473e-9b20-a2ec6635dcc4 (schema: 3.000, status: available)
TitleBDML file for quantitative information about X chromosome structure from Hi-C data at 250-kb resolution for a male mouse T helper (TH1) cell #9
LicenseCC BY-NC-SA license
Descriptionquantitative information about X chromosome structure from Hi-C data at 250-kb resolution for a male mouse T helper (TH1) cell #9
OrganismMus musculus
Datatypechromosome structure
Local IDFigS2_C9
Basedon Experiment
Contributors Yoshito Hirata, Arisa Oda, Kunihiro Ohta, Kazuyuki Aihara
PubMed ID27725694
Contact InformationYoshito Hirata, University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science
Summary of methodsSee details in Hirata et al. (2016) Sci. Rep. 6, 34982.
BDML filehttp://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/data/41-Hirata-XChrHiC/bdml/FigS2_C9_bdml3.0.zip (md5)

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