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What is SSBD API?

SSBD API is the Application Programming Interface for accessing the internal data of the SSBD database. The API is based on the web development practice of using RESTFul architecture. A RESTful API call is simply an HTTP request to the SSBD server.


Before you begin, you need to be familiar with BDML file, its terminology and its schema. Please refer to BDML Specification for more information.
The latest API has simiplified the interface and does not follow the structure of BDML schema. But a familarlity of it will help in working with the API.

Summary of SSBD API (v3)

API Request Method Functions Status
/SSBD/api/v3/ GET list all the available APIs
/SSBD/api/v3/data/ GET retrieve meta information Only support BDML 3.0;
/SSBD/api/v3/contact/ GET retrieve contact details Only support BDML 3.0;
/SSBD/api/v3/contributor/ GET retrieve contributors details Only support BDML 3.0;
/SSBD/api/v3/person/ GET retrieve person contact and affiliation details Only support BDML 3.0;
/SSBD/api/v3/affiliation/ GET retrieve affiliation details Only support BDML 3.0;
/SSBD/api/v3/bd5coords/ GET retrieve quantitative data Only support BDML 3.0;
/SSBD/api/v3/bd5scaleunit/ GET retrieve scaleunit data Only support BDML 3.0;


There are two default formats that the API will return. It returns the data in JSON formats (XML format is depreciated).

affiliation API

Retrieve affiliation information. Normally affiliation data are retrieved with the use of contact contributor and person api instead
Fields Description Usage example Usage comment
E_mail Email address of the contact person http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/affiliation/?format=json;E_mail__icontains=riken To retrieve Email address which contains 'riken' from SSBD
person Using person API to retrieve affilion http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/affiliation/?format=json;person__last_name=OnamiTo retrieve affiliation information by searching the person's last name as 'Onami' from SSBD
affiliation Schema

b5coords API

It provides an interface to retrieve the quantitative numerical data. It only support BDML 3.0
Fields Description Usage example Usage comment
bdmlID retrieve quantitiatve data based on unique bdmlID (UUID) identity number of the BDML file stored in SSBD. It uses exact bdmlID http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/bd5coords/?format=json;bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a;&ts=1;&limit=2 To retrieve coordinates data from SSBD for bdmlID 4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a
entity Type of entity that the coordinates belong to, e.g. line, point, sphere, etc. NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
id entity ID. NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
x x coordinates NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
y y coordinates NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
z z coordinates. NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
radius radius of a sphere or a circle entity NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
t time values NA cannot be searched; retrieval only; use ts (time step) for retrieval.
ts time step values http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/bd5coords/?format=json;bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a;&ts=1; can be searched;

// 20190104185349
// http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/bd5coords/?format=json;bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a;&ts=1;&limit=2

  "meta": {
    "limit": 2,
    "next": "/SSBD/api/v3/bd5coords/?bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a&offset=2&limit=2&ts=1&format=json",
    "offset": 0,
    "previous": null,
    "total_count": 10936
  "objects": [
      "entity": "line",
      "id": "2000",
      "label": "P0",
      "radius": null,
      "sid": 0,
      "t": "2",
      "x": "266",
      "y": "306",
      "z": "15"
      "entity": "line",
      "id": "2000",
      "label": "P0",
      "radius": null,
      "sid": 0,
      "t": "2",
      "x": "265",
      "y": "307",
      "z": "15"

b5scaleunit API

It provides an interface to retrieve the scale unit quantitative numerical data. It only support BDML 3.0
Fields Description Usage example Usage comment
bdmlID retrieve scaleunit data based on unique bdmlID (UUID) identity number of the BDML file stored in SSBD. It uses exact bdmlID http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/bd5scaleunit/?format=json;bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a To retrieve scaleunit data from SSBD for bdmlID 4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a
dimension Dimension of the quantiative numerical data. Possible dimension: 3D+T, 2D+T, 1D+T, 3D, 2D, 1D NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
xScale scale of x coordinates NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
yScale scale y coordinates NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
zScale scale z coordinates. NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
sUnit scale unit NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
tScale scale of time NA cannot be searched; retrieval only
tUnit time unit NA cannot be searched; retrieval only

// 20190106144156
// http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/bd5scaleunit/?format=json;bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a;&ts=1;&limit=2

  "meta": {
    "limit": 2,
    "next": null,
    "offset": 0,
    "previous": null,
    "total_count": 1
  "objects": [
      "dimension": "3D+T",
      "sUnit": "micrometer",
      "tScale": "40.0",
      "tUnit": "second",
      "xScale": "0.105",
      "yScale": "0.105",
      "zScale": "0.5"

contact API

Contact information It is normally used together with data, person and affiliation API
Fields Description Usage example Usage comment
data meta data stored in SSBD http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/contact/?format=json;data__localID__icontains=wt(N2)07 To retrieve Contact data from SSBD for data's localID which contains 'wt(N2)07'
person person associated with the data. http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/contact/?format=json;person__last_name=Okada To retrieve Contact data from SSBD for person with the last name Okada
affiliation affiliation associated with the data. http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/contact/?format=json;affiliation__E_mail__icontains=kellerTo retrieve Contact information from SSBD with affiliation's email address containing the phrase 'keller'
Contact Schema

contributor API

Contributor information It is normally used together with data, person and affiliation API
Fields Description Usage example Usage comment
data meta data stored in SSBD http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/contributor/?format=json;data__localID__icontains=wt(N2)07 To retrieve Contributor data from SSBD for data's localID which contains 'wt(N2)07'
person person associated with the data. http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/contributor/?format=json;person__last_name=Keller To retrieve Contributor from SSBD for person with the last name Keller
affiliation affiliation associated with the data. http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/contributor/?format=json;affiliation__E_mail__icontains=kyodaTo retrieve Contributor information from SSBD with affiliation's email address containing the phrase 'kyoda'
Contact Schema

data API

Retrieve meta information of the data stored in SSBD.
Fields Description Usage example Usage comment
bdmlID Retrieve data based on unique BDMLID http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/data/?format=json;bdmlID__icontains=32 To retrieve summary data from SSBD for bdmlID that matches or contains the phrase "32"
localID Retreive data based on internal or local identifier http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/data/?format=json;localID__icontains=wt(N2)07 To retrieve all the meta data from SSBD when localID contains the phrase "wt(N2)07". Note that the field is changed from previous bdml_ID to bdmlUUID in the new API.
organism Retrieve data based on organism http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/data/?format=json;organism__icontains=rerio Return data with organism name containing the phrase "rerio".
Data Schema
Example of response
  • Trying to retrieve meta data from SSBD for bdmlID "320e02ee-1c6c-4e03-a6da-75b5c413b6a3"
  • output format is in JSON format
    • http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/data/?format=json;bdmlID=320e02ee-1c6c-4e03-a6da-75b5c413b6a3
      / 20190104193200
      // http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/data/?format=json;bdmlID=320e02ee-1c6c-4e03-a6da-75b5c413b6a3
        "meta": {
          "limit": 20,
          "next": null,
          "offset": 0,
          "previous": null,
          "total_count": 1
        "objects": [
            "PMID": "18845710",
            "SID": 5,
            "basedon": "Experiment",
            "bdmlID": "320e02ee-1c6c-4e03-a6da-75b5c413b6a3",
            "citation": null,
            "contributors": "Philipp Keller, Annette Schmidt, Joachim Wittbrodt, Ernst Stelzer",
            "datatype": "nuclear positions",
            "dblink": "http://www.embl.de/digitalembryo/fish.html",
            "description": "in toto reconstruction of zebrafish MZoep mutant development",
            "gene": null,
            "license": "CC BY-NC-SA",
            "localID": "zebrafish_in_toto_mzoep.mat",
            "method_summary": "See details in Keller et al. (2008) Science 322, 1065-1069.",
            "orf": null,
            "organism": "D. rerio",
            "release": "2017-12-20",
            "schema_ver": "3.000",
            "title": "BDML file for in toto reconstruction of zebrafish MZoep mutant development"

ontology API

Retrieve ontology information of the data stored in SSBD.
Fields Description Usage example Usage comment
ID Retrieve ontology data based on ID http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/ontology/?format=json;ID__icontains=002;data__bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a To retrieve ontology data from SSBD for bdmlID that matches 4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a and contains ID "002"
data Retrieve ontology data based on meta data stored in SSBD http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/ontology/?format=json;data__localID__icontains=wt(N2)07 To retrieve Contributor data from SSBD for data's localID which contains 'wt(N2)07'
ontologyID Retreive ontology data based on ontologyID http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/ontology/?format=json;ontologyID__icontains=6239 To retrieve all the ontology data from SSBD when ontologyID contains the phrase "6239".
ontologyResource Retrieve ontology data based on ontologyResource NA Return ontology resource name.
ontologyURI Retrieve ontology URI http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/ontology/?format=json;ontologyURI__icontains=obo Return ontology data with onoloty URI containing the phrase "obo".
term Retrieve ontology data based on ontology term http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/ontology/?format=json;term__icontains=elegan Return ontology data with term containing the phrase "elegan".
Data Schema
Example of response
  • Trying to retrieve ontology data from SSBD for bdmlID "320e02ee-1c6c-4e03-a6da-75b5c413b6a3"
  • output format is in JSON format
    • http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/ontology/?format=json;data__bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a
      // 20190106150352
      // http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/SSBD/api/v3/ontology/?format=json;data__bdmlID=4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a
        "meta": {
          "limit": 20,
          "next": null,
          "offset": 0,
          "previous": null,
          "total_count": 2
        "objects": [
            "ID": "001",
            "data": {
              "PMID": "23172286",
              "SID": 2,
              "basedon": "Experiment",
              "bdmlID": "4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a",
              "citation": null,
              "contributors": "Koji Kyoda, Mari Furukawa, Ryoko Arai, Shuichi Onami",
              "datatype": "nuclear division dynamics",
              "dblink": "http://so.qbic.riken.jp/wddd/",
              "description": "quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics in B0336.10(RNAi) embryo (rpl-23(RNAi) embryo)",
              "gene": null,
              "license": "CC BY-SA",
              "localID": "B0336.10(gPCR)040518_01",
              "method_summary": "See details in Kyoda et al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res 41, D732-D737.",
              "orf": null,
              "organism": "C. elegans",
              "release": "2017-12-20",
              "schema_ver": "3.000",
              "title": "BDML file for quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics of B0336.10(RNAi) embryo"
            "ontologyID": "GO_0009790",
            "ontologyResource": null,
            "ontologyURI": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/",
            "term": "embryo development"
            "ID": "002",
            "data": {
              "PMID": "23172286",
              "SID": 2,
              "basedon": "Experiment",
              "bdmlID": "4ed09fa3-7650-45a9-ac55-426980aa7d0a",
              "citation": null,
              "contributors": "Koji Kyoda, Mari Furukawa, Ryoko Arai, Shuichi Onami",
              "datatype": "nuclear division dynamics",
              "dblink": "http://so.qbic.riken.jp/wddd/",
              "description": "quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics in B0336.10(RNAi) embryo (rpl-23(RNAi) embryo)",
              "gene": null,
              "license": "CC BY-SA",
              "localID": "B0336.10(gPCR)040518_01",
              "method_summary": "See details in Kyoda et al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res 41, D732-D737.",
              "orf": null,
              "organism": "C. elegans",
              "release": "2017-12-20",
              "schema_ver": "3.000",
              "title": "BDML file for quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics of B0336.10(RNAi) embryo"
            "ontologyID": "NCBITaxon_6239",
            "ontologyResource": null,
            "ontologyURI": "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/",
            "term": "C. elegans"