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As Nov 20, 2019 there are 687 BDML files which include 808,372,696 entries, and 4,162 image sets which include 8,745,381 slices of images.

Project NameOrganismTypeBasedonNumber of BDML-files ( entries ) Number of images ( slices )Released dateUpdate datePaper
1-Bao-WormEmbryoC. elegansNucleusMeasurement123,9803.37M00-2013/10/032018/11/15Bao Z et. al. (2006) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103(8): 2707-12.
2-Kyoda-WormEmbryoRNAiC. elegansNucleusMeasurement18675,9555.09G1872,221,560935.32G2013/09/022020/02/03Kyoda K et. al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res, 41(Database issue): D732-7.
7-Cronin-WormLocomotionC. elegansBehaviorMeasurement1115,8229.3M00-2014/10/032018/11/15Cronin CJ et. al. (2005) BMC Genet, 6: 5.
11-Toyoshima-NeuActC. elegansNucleusMeasurement14125,4264.86M1441,3807.83G2016/05/202018/11/15Toyoshima Y et. al. (2016) PLoS Comput Biol, 12(6): e1004970.
12-Takayama-OocyteC. elegansCellMeasurement11924,290182.22M11977,3064.08G2016/10/032020/02/03Takayama J & Onami S (2016) Cell Rep, 15(3): 625-637.
20-Azuma-WormMembraneC. elegansCellMeasurement12,6751.32M114411.29M2017/03/012018/11/15Azuma Y & Onami S (2017) BMC Bioinformatics, 18(1): 307.
37-Arata-MolDynPar2C. elegansMoleculeMeasurement317,8871.06M33,0001.15G2017/10/032020/02/03Arata Y et. al. (2016) Cell Rep, 16(8): 2156-2168.
105-Ono-ToothDevC. l. familiarisCellMeasurement00-932388K2019/11/20-Ono M et. al. (2017) Sci Rep, 7: 44522.
38-Inoue-ShellStructD. cf. damesiIndivisualMeasurement00-76,0962.61G2017/10/032018/11/15Inoue S & Kondo S (2016) Sci Rep, 6: 33689.
10-Komatsuzaki-MolDynD. discoideumMoleculeMeasurement1987100K15,400352.13M2015/10/032018/11/15Komatsuzaki A et. al. (2015) Small, 11(12): 1396-401.
21-Yasui-MolDynPTEND. discoideumMoleculeMeasurement00-132,421583.19M2017/10/032018/11/15Yasui M et. al. (2014) PLoS Comput Biol, 10(9): e1003817.
39-Shibata-MolDynPTEND. discoideumCellMeasurement27202.06M21,440365.8M2017/10/032018/11/15Shibata T et. al. (2012) J Cell Sci, 125(Pt 21): 5138-50.
96-Kamimura-ChemotaxisDynD. discoideum AX2CellMeasurement00-54,233538.44M2018/11/14-Kamimura Y et. al. (2016) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(16): 4356-61.
13-Watabe-MolDynD. discoideum, Cultured cell (PC-12: R. norvegicus), NAMoleculeMeasurement / Simulation4745,846,57322.82G261524K2016/01/182018/11/15Watabe M et. al. (2015) PLoS One, 10(7): e0130089.
4-Keller-FlyEmbryoD. melanogasterNucleusMeasurement25,836,7141.44G00-2013/10/032019/04/24Keller PJ et. al. (2010) Nat Methods, 7(8): 637-42.
22-Kondo-CellDynD. melanogasterCellMeasurement00-1685,92833.47G2017/10/032018/11/15Kondo T & Hayashi S (2013) Nature, 494(7435): 125-9.
81-Yasugi-DmeCellDynD. melanogasterCellMeasurement00-4124.83M2018/11/14-Yasugi T et. al. (2017) Sci Rep, 7(1): 1619.
5-Keller-FishEmbryoD. rerioNucleusMeasurement755,707,3289.55G00-2013/10/032018/11/15Keller PJ et. al. (2008) Science, 322(5904): 1065-9.
116-Yamada-GlycogenDrosophilaCellMeasurement00-123610.2M2019/11/20-Yamada T et. al. (2018) Development, 145(6).
6-Arjunan-MolDynE. coliMoleculeSimulation172114.62M00-2013/09/022018/11/15Arjunan SN & Tomita M (2010) Syst Synth Biol, 4(1): 35-53.
78-Takagi-CellDynH. sapiensCellMeasurement00-8326.9M2018/11/14-Takagi S et. al. (2017) Clin Ophthalmol, 11: 1219-1225.
118-Iraha-hESCRetinaH. sapiensCellMeasurement00-41015.28M2019/11/20-Iraha S et. al. (2018) Stem Cell Reports, 10(3): 1059-1074.
95-Nojima-CellMorphologyH. sapiens (66), M. musculus (48)CellMeasurement00-114342427.81M2018/11/14-Nojima S et. al. (2017) Sci Rep, 7(1): 9269.
23-Shirai-ESCellTissueH. sapiens (ES)TissueMeasurement00-221.98M2017/10/032018/11/15Shirai H et. al. (2016) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113(1): E81-90.
24-Kanemura-iPSCellDynH. sapiens (iPS)CellMeasurement00-44810.78M2017/10/032018/11/15Kanemura H et. al. (2013) Sci Rep, 3: 2334.
109-Mandai-RPEiPSCellH. sapiens (iPS)CellMeasurement00-154510.3M2019/11/20-Mandai M et. al. (2017) N Engl J Med, 376(11): 1038-1046.
119-Sakashita-FishVertebraeM. cinereus, S. melanostictus, K. punctatus, P. altivelis altivelis, L. setigerus, L. litulon, C. abei, Z. nebulosa, Z. faber, M. sagifue, C. saira, H. hilgendorfii, S. oblongus, S. zonatus, C. spinosus, A. hanedai, T. japonicus, P. major, S. japonica, H. typus, S. forsteni, S. pinguis, R. prometheoides, S. japonicus, T. orientalis, T. tonggol, P. olivaceus, H. dubius, M. uradoi, T. pardalis, T snyderi, T. stictonotusCellMeasurement00-141171,14331.37G2019/11/20-Sakashita M et. al. (2019) J Morphol, 280(6): 778-795.
108-Sugita-RPEiPSCellM. fascicularis (iPS)CellMeasurement00-9192.64M2019/11/20-Sugita S et. al. (2017) Stem Cell Reports, 9(5): 1501-1515.
8-Bashar-MouseEmbryoM. musculusNucleusMeasurement12,054100K12,800128.52M2014/10/032018/11/15Bashar MK et. al. (2012) PLoS One, 7(5): e35550.
9-Masumoto-TranscriptomeM. musculusGene expression (Omics)Measurement848-00-2014/10/032017/10/03Masumoto KH et. al. (2010) Curr Biol, 20(24): 2199-206.
14-Ochiai-MolDynMS2M. musculusMolecule/CellMeasurement00-11222.24M2016/10/032018/11/15Ochiai H et. al. (2015) Nucleic Acids Res, 43(19): e127.
15-Harima-GeneExpM. musculusGene expressionMeasurement214640K2146328K2016/01/182018/11/15Harima Y et. al. (2013) Cell Rep, 3(1): 1-7.
25-Ke-SeeDBM. musculusMolecule/CellMeasurement00-5240,8037.6G2017/10/032018/11/15Ke MT et. al. (2013) Nat Neurosci, 16(8): 1154-61.
40-Sakakibara-KTDynM. musculusMolecule/CellMeasurement15,969232K343,0443.56G2017/10/032018/11/15Sakakibara Y et. al. (2015) Nat Commun, 6: 7550.
41-Hirata-XChrHiCM. musculusMoleculeMeasurement1111268K00-2017/10/032018/11/15Hirata Y et. al. (2016) Sci Rep, 6: 34982.
47-Noguchi-CellDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-3828,24563.77G2018/11/14-Noguchi M et. al. (2015) Cell Rep, 13(12): 2679-86.
48-Susaki-MouseBrainCUBICM. musculusOrganMeasurement00-2719,81289.83G2017/10/032018/11/15Susaki EA et. al. (2014) Cell, 157(3): 726-39.
49-Susaki-MouseBrainCUBICM. musculusOrganMeasurement00-15123.38G2017/10/032018/11/15Susaki EA et. al. (2015) Nat Protoc, 10(11): 1709-27.
50-Tainaka-MouseBodyCUBICM. musculusOrgan/IndividualMeasurement00-4054396.04M2017/10/032018/11/15Tainaka K et. al. (2014) Cell, 159(4): 911-24.
57-Herawati-CellDynM. musculusCellMeasurement12,33028K235,0021.68G2018/11/142020/02/03Herawati E et. al. (2016) J Cell Biol, 214(5): 571-86.
66-Iwata-CellDynOSNMTM. musculusCellMeasurement00-2,4035,696,31532.42G2019/11/20-Iwata R et. al. (2017) Neuron, 96(5): 1139-1152.e7.
68-Sakaguchi-NeuronFluoM. musculusCellMeasurement00-6736,14122.73G2019/11/20-Sakaguchi R et. al. (2018) Elife, 7.
75-Minegishi-NodeCellM. musculusCellMeasurement00-4122.85M2018/11/14-Minegishi K et. al. (2017) Dev Cell, 40(5): 439-452.e4.
82-Ikeda-GeneExpM. musculusGene expression (Omics)Measurement00-92720.66M2018/11/14-Ikeda T et. al. (2018) Nat Commun, 9(1): 1387.
83-Fumoto-LungDevWntM. musculusCellMeasurement00-1820131.56M2018/11/14-Fumoto K et. al. (2017) Development, 144(1): 151-162.
85-Kosodo-NeuralballDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-32,738780.74M2018/11/14-Kosodo Y et. al. (2017) Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 483(1): 94-100.
86-Higashi-SynapseDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-161,780562.26M2019/11/20-Higashi T et. al. (2018) Cell Rep, 22(4): 919-929.
87-CorneliaKoeverle-SpineDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-3067772.34M2018/11/14-Cornelia Koeberle S et. al. (2017) Sci Rep, 7(1): 13409.
89-Isshiki-SpineDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-405,2101.32G2018/11/14-Isshiki M et. al. (2014) Nat Commun, 5: 4742.
98-Morita-ToothEpiCellDynM. musculusCellMeasurement148,4232.64M41,997436.14M2019/11/20-Morita R et. al. (2016) PLoS One, 11(9): e0161336.
100-Yamamoto-ToothDevM. musculusCellMeasurement00-767,81573.31G2019/11/20-Yamamoto N et. al. (2015) Sci Rep, 5: 18393.
101-Oshima-ToothBioImplantM. musculusCellMeasurement00-887.28M2019/11/20-Oshima M et. al. (2014) Sci Rep, 4: 6044.
102-Ogawa-SalivaryGlandDevM. musculusCellMeasurement00-67268.35M2019/11/20-Ogawa M et. al. (2013) Nat Commun, 4: 2498.
103-Hirayama-GlandRegM. musculusCellMeasurement00-245919.99M2019/11/20-Hirayama M et. al. (2013) Nat Commun, 4: 2497.
104-Bin-SkinImmunoM. musculusCellMeasurement00-51715.13M2019/11/20-Bin BH et. al. (2017) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114(46): 12243-12248.
113-Kamioka-CellDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-53,6201.13G2019/11/20-Kamioka Y et. al. (2017) Cancer Sci, 108(2): 226-235.
114-Shiura-MouseEmbryoDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-17953,2597.34G2019/11/20-Shiura H & Abe K (2019) Sci Rep, 9(1): 3637.
115-Nabeshima-DuodenumVilliCellM. musculusCellMeasurement00-39696K2019/11/20-Nabeshima R et. al. (2018) Elife, 7.
121-Inoue-SingleCellDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-298,8468.07G2019/11/20-Inoue H et. al. (2018) Cell Struct Funct, 43(2): 153-169.
123-Yalikun-ZygoteDynM. musculusCellMeasurement00-21,386108.65M2019/11/20-Yalikun et al. (2018) Micro Nano Lett, 13(3): 306-311.
124-Ueda-miPSRetinaM. musculusCellMeasurement00-319350.35M2019/11/20-Ueda K et. al. (2018) Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 495(4): 2595-2601.
132-Goto-CellMorM. musculusCellMeasurement00-121211.24M2019/11/20-Goto S et. al. (2018) Elife, 7.
135-Maruyama-LymVesselImmunoM. musculusCellMeasurement00-176459.34M2019/11/20-Maruyama K et. al. (2019) Dev Biol, 452(2): 134-143.
141-Sato-CellMorphologyM. musculusCellMeasurement00-171749.52M2019/11/20-Sato Y & Okabe S (2019) Microscopy (Oxf), 68(2): 122-132.
136-Matsumiya-ESCellDynM. musculus (ES)CellMeasurement00-92,093109.85M2019/11/20-Matsumiya M et. al. (2018) Development, 145(4).
111-Kawaguchi-NPCellsDynM. musculus (ICR)CellMeasurement236,9121.55M306,3449.2G2019/11/20-Kawaguchi K et. al. (2017) Nature, 545(7654): 327-331.
106-Jin-BreastTumorFluM. musculus (implanted with KPL-4: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-8244.04M2018/11/14-Jin et al. (2016) Medchemcomm, 7(4): 623-631.
107-Tsuboi-BreastTumorFluM. musculus (implanted with KPL-4: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-133911.44M2018/11/14-Tsuboi S et. al. (2017) Chem Commun (Camb), 53(68): 9450-9453.
26-Kinoshita-iPSCellDynM. musculus (iPS)CellMeasurement00-238432.99M2017/10/032018/11/15Kinoshita H et. al. (2016) Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 57(1): 153-61.
27-Iwasaki-iPSCellDynM. musculus (iPS)Cell/TissueMeasurement00-1339258.92M2017/10/032018/11/15Iwasaki Y et. al. (2016) PLoS One, 11(7): e0158282.
28-Assawachananont-iPSCellTissueM. musculus (iPS)TissueMeasurement00-8825.19M2017/10/032018/11/15Assawachananont J et. al. (2014) Stem Cell Reports, 2(5): 662-74.
99-Takagi-HairRegiPSCellM. musculus (iPS)CellMeasurement00-61842.31M2019/11/20-Takagi R et. al. (2016) Sci Adv, 2(4): e1500887.
29-Ke-SeeDB2M. musculus (iPS), D. melanogaster Cultured cell (HEK293T: H. sapiens)Molecule/CellMeasurement00-5814,82010.98G2017/10/032018/11/15Ke MT et. al. (2016) Cell Rep, 14(11): 2718-32.
16-Tanaka-FluidDynM. musculus (iPS), NAMoleculeMeasurement2602124K443,719201.04M2016/10/032018/11/15Tanaka Y et al. (2015) Sens Actuators B Chem, 210: 267-272.
76-Tanaka-MuscleDynM. sieboldiTissueMeasurement260,00012.25M00-2018/11/15-Tanaka et al. (2017) Sens Actuators B Chem, 242: 1186-1192.
42-Hayashi-NeuronalCellDynR. norvegicusMoleculeMeasurement19833,7265.08M00-2019/11/20-Hayashi K et. al. (2018) Mol Biol Cell, : mbcE18010022.
94-Matsuda-BeetlehornTrypoxylus dichotomusCellMeasurement00-5207.98M2019/11/20-Matsuda K et. al. (2017) Sci Rep, 7(1): 13939.
30-Inomata-CellDynX. laevisCellMeasurement00-59,0001.23G2017/10/032018/11/15Inomata H et. al. (2013) Cell, 153(6): 1296-311.
52-Suzuki-FrogTailDynX. laevisIndivisualMeasurement00-14817.17M--Suzuki M et. al. (2016) Genes Cells, 21(4): 358-69.
90-Ishiwata-SpindleDynX. laevis (2), Cultured cell (Hela: H. sapiens) (1)CellMeasurement00-378548K2018/11/14-Ishiwata et al. (2017) Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 647(1): 127-150.
31-Matsuda-SigDynCultured cell (CHO; C. griseus + MDCK: C. l. familiaris)Molecule/CellMeasurement00-3867151.47M2017/10/032018/11/15Matsuda M et. al. (2012) Sci Signal, 5(220): ra31.
32-Matsuda-SigDynCultured cell (CHO: C. griseus)Molecule/CellMeasurement00-2764101.68M2017/10/032018/11/15Matsuda M et. al. (2015) Nat Commun, 6: 6195.
53-Ichimura-CellDynCultured cell (DO11.10: M. musculus)CellMeasurement00-4890.98M--Ichimura T et. al. (2016) Sci Rep, 6: 37562.
59-Yano-MicrotubuleImmunoCultured cell (Eph4: M. musculus)CellMeasurement00-131.22M2018/11/14-Yano T et. al. (2013) J Cell Biol, 203(4): 605-14.
55-Maekawa-ESCellDynCultured cell (ES: M. musculus)TissueMeasurement00-24530.6M2018/11/14-Maekawa Y et. al. (2016) Curr Eye Res, 41(4): 558-68.
79-Inomata-HeLaCellCultured cell (Hela: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-8242.02M2018/11/14-Inomata K et. al. (2017) Chem Commun (Camb), 53(81): 11245-11248.
92-Uda-CellsigDynCultured cell (Hela: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-215,353576.96M2018/11/14-Uda Y et. al. (2017) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 114(45): 11962-11967.
110-Makino-MembraneDynCultured cell (HeLa: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-101033.16M2018/11/14-Makino A et. al. (2017) FASEB J, 31(4): 1301-1322.
91-Konagaya-AMPKactivityCultured cell (Hela: H. sapiens) (4), M. musculus (2)CellMeasurement00-62,244739.6M2018/11/14-Konagaya Y et. al. (2017) Cell Rep, 21(9): 2628-2638.
18-Kunida-MolDynRhoCultured cell (HT-1080: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-263339.06M2016/10/032018/11/15Kunida K et. al. (2012) J Cell Sci, 125(Pt 10): 2381-92.
33-Yamao-MolDynRhoCultured cell (HT-1080: H. sapiens)Molecule/CellMeasurement00-197,865199.65M2017/10/032018/11/15Yamao M et. al. (2015) Sci Rep, 5: 17527.
84-Ito-CellDynCultured cell (HT29: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-72,037239.31M2018/11/14-Ito S et. al. (2017) Nat Commun, 8(1): 1834.
35-Yonemura-CellDynCultured cell (MDCK II: C. l. familiaris, EpH4: M. musculus, R2/7 alpha-Cate: H. sapiens)CellMeasurement00-314757.54M2017/10/032018/11/15Yonemura S (2014) PLoS One, 9(11): e112922.
43-Takai-SubcellStructONLCultured cell (MDCK II: C. l. familiaris)Molecule/CellMeasurement235548K236027.96M2017/10/032018/11/15Takai A et. al. (2015) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 112(14): 4352-6.
34-Hayashi-CellDynSDSRMCultured cell (MDCK: C. l. familiaris)CellMeasurement00-36579.32M2017/10/032018/11/15Hayashi S & Okada Y (2015) Mol Biol Cell, 26(9): 1743-51.
77-Aoki-CellDynERKCultured cell (MDCK: M. musculus)CellMeasurement144240K142,133344.66M2018/11/14-Aoki K et. al. (2017) Dev Cell, 43(3): 305-317.e5.
74-Bansod-NSCellHes5Cultured cell (NIH3T3: M. musculus)CellMeasurement00-64198112.18M2018/11/14-Bansod S et. al. (2017) Development, 144(17): 3156-3167.
17-Aoki-MolDynCultured cell (NRK-52E: R. norvegicus)Molecule/CellMeasurement00-21,71242.52M2016/10/032018/11/15Aoki K et. al. (2013) Mol Cell, 52(4): 529-40.
19-Tanaka-FluidDynNAMoleculeMeasurement00-11,02391.71M2016/10/032018/11/15Tanaka Y et al. (2014) Micromachines, 5(2): 289-299.
36-Torisawa-MolDynEg5NAMicrotubulesMeasurement00-31,0594.89G2017/10/032018/11/15Torisawa T et. al. (2016) Biophys J, 111(2): 373-385.
44-Hihara-NucleosomeDynNAMoleculeSimulation3252,50013.44M00-2017/10/032018/11/15Hihara S et. al. (2012) Cell Rep, 2(6): 1645-56.
125-Gessesse-CX3CR1nanodiscNACellMeasurement00-1103381.64M2019/11/20-Gessesse B et. al. (2018) Life (Basel), 8(4).
73-Fujii-NeuronalMolDynCa2NA (Prukinje cell)CellSimulation100250,10041.37M00-2018/11/15-Fujii M et. al. (2017) Biophys J, 112(4): 813-826.

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