Definition: | A single abstract base type for most elements in BDML. | |||||||||||||||
Type: | BDBase | |||||||||||||||
Attributes: |
Subelements: |
Notes: |
Definition: | A single abstract base type for most elements in BDML. | |||||||||||||||
Type: | BDBase | |||||||||||||||
Attributes: |
Subelements: |
Notes: |
Definition: | This is the root element for the BDML schema. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | bdmlDocument | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributes: |
Subelements: |
Example: |
<bdml version="0.2" xsi:schemaLocation="http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/bdml http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/bdml/bdml0.2.xsd"> <info> <bdmlID>563d487f-1676-4159-a3ab-c25c2e198f6c</bdmlID> ... </info> <summary> <description>quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics in wild-type embryo</description> ... </summary> <contact> <name>Shuichi Onami</name> ... </contact> <methods> <summary>See details in Kyoda et al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res 41, D732-D737.</summary> ... </methods> <data> ... ... ... </data> </bdml> |
Notes: | Insted of <data>, <series> or <set> can be used for representing a set of data files which are obtained from the same experiment or simulation, or a set of data files which are referenced in the same article, respectively. |
Definition: | Information about the BDML file. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Info | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<info> <bdmlID>563d487f-1676-4159-a3ab-c25c2e198f6c</bdmlID> <title>BDML file for quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics of wild-type embryo</title> <release>2012-05-18</release> <license>CC BY-SA</license> </info> |
Notes: | The Creative Commons licenses are recommended for publishing data. |
Definition: | Ontological references used in the BDML file. | ||||||||||
Type: | Ontology | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<ontology> <ontologyTerm>...</ontologyTerm> ... </ontology> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Association with a term from different ontology sources. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | ontologyTerm | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<ontologyTerm> <id>001</id> <term>nucleus</term> <ontologyID>GO:0005634</ontologyID> <ontologyURI>http://identifiers.org/go/</ontologyURI> </ontologyTerm> |
Notes: | The ontologyRef attribution refers to id defined in the ontologyTerm element. |
Definition: | Summary of the data described in the BDML file. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Summary | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<summary> <description>quantitative information about nuclear division dynamics in wild-type embryo</description> <datatype>nuclear division dynamics</datatype> <organism>C. elegans</organism> <localID>wt(N2)030131_01</localID> <basedon>Experiment</basedon> <contributors>Kyoda, K., Furukawa, M., Arai, R., Onami, S.</contributors> <PMID>23172286</PMID> <dblink>http://so.qbic.riken.jp/wddd/</dblink> </summary> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Contact information for the BDML file. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Contact | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<contact> <name>Shuichi Onami</name> <E-mail>......@.......</E-mail> <organization>RIKEN</organization> <department>Quantitative Biology Center</department> <laboratory>Laboratory for Developmental Dynamics</laboratory> <address>2-2-3 Minatojima-minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0047, Japan</address> </contact> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Methods/procedures used to obtain the data described in the BDML file. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Methods | ||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<methods> <summary>See details in Kyoda et al. (2013) Nucleic Acids Res 41, D732-D737.</summary> <source>http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/data/source/Ce_KK_P002/wt_N2_030131_01/wt_N2_030131_01.zip</source> <protocol>http://ssbd.qbic.riken.jp/data/pdpml/Ce_KK_P002.pdpml0.06.xml</protocol> </methods> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Numerical data described in the BDML file. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Data | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<data> <scaleUnit> <xScale>0.105</xScale> ... </scaleUnit> <object> <objectName> </object> <component> <componentID>1000<componentID> ... ... </component> ... </data> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Scale and unit of coordinates and time. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | ScaleUnit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<scaleUnit> <xScale>0.105</xScale> <yScale>0.105</yScale> <zScale>0.5</zScale> <xyzUnit>micrometer</xyzUnit> <tScale>40.0</tSCale> <tUnit>second</tUnit> </scaleUnit> |
Notes: | The zScale should be set to 0.0 for describing data in two dimension. |
Definition: | Types of object detected from microscope images in an in vivo measurement or from the result of a computer simulation. | ||||||||||||
Type: | Object | ||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<object> <objectName>nucleus</objectName> </object> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Types of feature within the objects. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Feature | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<feature> <featureName>total GFP signal</featureName> <featureScale>1.0</featureScale> <featureUnit>intensity</featureUnit> </feature> |
Notes: |
Definition: | A collection of objects and their spatial information at a given point of time. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Component | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<component> <componentID>2000</componentID> <componentName>P0</componentName> <time>2</time> <prevID>1000</prevID> <measurement> <objectRef>nucleus</objectRef> <line> ... ... </line> </measurement> </component> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Spatial information of objects. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Measurement | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<measurement> <objectRef>nucleus</objectRef> <line> <xyzSequence> ... ... </xyzSequence> </line> </measurement> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Point entity type. | ||||||||||
Type: | Point | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<point> <xyz> <x>1.045</x> <y>4.421</y> <z>6.214</z> </xyz> </point> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Line entity type. | ||||||||||
Type: | Line | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<line> <xyzSequence> <xyz> ... ... ... </xyz> </xyzSequence> </line> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Circle entity type. | |||||||||||||||
Type: | Circle | |||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<circle> <xyz> <x>163</x> <y>343</y> <z>0</z> </xyz> <radius>1.62</radius> </circle> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Sphere entity type. | |||||||||||||||
Type: | Sphere | |||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<sphere> <xyz> <x>163</x> <y>343</y> <z>6.1</z> </xyz> <radius>1.62</radius> </sphere> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Face entity type. | ||||||||||
Type: | Face | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<face> <xyzTriplet> <xyz> ... </xyz> <xyz> ... </xyz> <xyz> ... </xyz> </xyzTriplet> </face> |
Notes: | A face is defined by three points. Orientation of a face determines which side of the face is facing inside or outside of an object. To determine the orientation of a face, the coordinates of the face have to be written in counter clockwise order. |
Definition: | A sequence of coordinates written in counter-clockwise direction. | ||||||||||
Type: | XYZSequence | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<xyzSequence> <xyz> ... </xyz> <xyz> ... </xyz> ... </xyzSequence> |
Notes: |
Definition: | It is a set of three points. Their coordinates are written in a counter-clockwise order when viewed from the outside of an object. | ||||||||||
Type: | XYZTriplet | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<xyzTriplet> <xyz> <x>0.5</x> <y>1.2</y> <z>0.0</z> </xyz> <xyz> <x>0.0</x> <y>1.0</y> <z>0.0</z> </xyz> <xyz> <x>0.2</x> <y>0.5</y> <z>0.0</z> </xyz> </xyzTriplet> |
Notes: |
Definition: | Three-dimensional coordinates. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | XYZ | ||||||||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<xyz> <x>0.5</x> <y>1.2</y> <z>0.0</z> </xyz> |
Notes: |
Definition: | The measured or computed feature and its numerical value of an object. | |||||||||||||||
Type: | Property | |||||||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<property> <featureRef>total GFP signal</featureRef> <featureVal>103162</featureVal> </property> |
Notes: |
Definition: | A series of BDML data files which are obtained from the same experiment or simulation. | ||||||||||
Type: | Series | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<series> <bdmlIDRef>563d487f-1676-4159-a3ab-c25c2e198f6c</bdmlIDRef> ... ... </series> |
Notes: |
Definition: | A set of BDML data files which are referenced in the same article. | ||||||||||
Type: | Set | ||||||||||
Subelements: |
Example: |
<series> <bdmlIDRef>563d487f-1676-4159-a3ab-c25c2e198f6c</bdmlIDRef> ... ... </series> |
Notes: |
Definition: | A universally unique identifier. | |
Type: | xsd:string | |
Pattern: |
Notes: |
Definition: | Indicates whether data was produced from an in vivo measurement or from a computer simulation. | ||
Type: | xsd:string | ||
Enumeration: |
Notes: |
Definition: | Unit of numerical value in the data. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type: | xsd:string | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enumeration: |
Notes: |
Definition: | Unit of time. | |||||||||
Type: | xsd:string | |||||||||
Enumeration: |
Notes: |